
Worthen Client Spotlight: Jesse & Casi S

Today we celebrate our clients Jesse & Casi S. We’ve asked them to share some lessons learned and insights about their financial journey with the aim of providing ideas and inspiration to others! 


About Us


Jesse & Casi S


Busy Professionals


Travel, Time with Family, Most Outdoor Activities, Exercise

Desired Retirement Age:

56 & 53


Director, Clinical Information Systems


Physical Therapist

Fun Fact:

I am a Dave Ramsey fan. Wish I had learned his ways 20 years earlier! We also found Angela through the Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Providers and couldn’t be happier!

Interview Questions:

What are some things you do or tools/resources you utilize that helps you control and manage your finances?

We utilize Dave Ramsey’s free version of the Every Dollar app. We sit down together near the end of each month and assign every dollar a job for the next month so we know where our money will go instead of wondering where it went.

What do you know now you wish you could go back and tell “early you” about money?

Learn to practice contentment! Who cares what everyone else has? Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses as the Joneses are usually in debt up to their eyeballs. (All that financial stress for nothing!) Follow Dave Ramsey’s seven Baby Steps and relish in being the tortoise instead of the hare!

What financial advice do you live by? Who gave it to you?

Learn to live on less than you make, save something for a rainy day, and be generous. That’s a combined learning from some of my family members and from Dave Ramsey’s principles.

What financial tips or suggestions would you share with someone who may need encouragement?

There is a way out of the muck and mire. As Dave Ramsey says, you have to first be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Most people won’t change their bad money behaviors until they reach that point. Once you make up your mind to get out of debt (and take debt off the table forever), follow Dave’s seven Baby Steps, celebrate the small wins, and stay focused. Once you have become debt free, you’ll never feel freer!

What experiences have led you to where you are today?

Growing up I saw my mom struggle paycheck to paycheck. I saw times where she had to decide which bill to pay. She did it without ever complaining to me but as I got older, I figured it out. Not that my mom ever did anything bad financially, she was just a single mom struggling to get by on not enough money per month. I knew I wanted to change my family tree regarding finances (my wife did too) so my wife and I have worked diligently to do so.

Who has made a big impact on your life? Why?

Fortunately I’ve had several family members who have positively contributed to my life. As for my adult life, I’d have to say my wife has made the biggest impact on my life. Beyond choosing to spend her life with me and have a family together, we are also aligned on finances and fun which makes winning with money achievable.

What is the biggest financial challenge you’ve had to overcome?

I honestly can’t recall any big financial challenges. When I was a young adult, I did spend all that I made (fortunately not more than) but I still wasn’t practicing the Baby Steps. Into my mid-20’s, I made sure to live on less than I made but I still used debt. It wasn’t until I was in my early 40’s that my wife and I decided to follow the Baby Steps. Calculating all of our debt and putting a plan together to get out of debt in two years was probably the biggest financial challenge. It meant sacrificing for a short time so we could enjoy our lives more fully for the long haul.

What steps did you take to overcome the challenge? Or, what do you wish you had done differently?

We followed the Baby Steps. It is a simple plan but tough to follow if you lack discipline.

What has surprised you the most along your financial journey so far?

How amazing it feels to be 100% debt free, house and all!

What has been the low point on this journey for you?

Going two years without any big vacations (as we both love to travel).

What advice would you give younger people or those just starting on their financial journey?

Stay out of debt! Or get out of debt and never go back! Once you aren’t sending your money to others to pay on your debt, you will have money to live life and to invest with someone like Angela and her team. Then you can retire with dignity someday and live the life you want!

How do you measure sucess?

By not having any debt, by working with Angela and team to see our net worth increase year over year, and by being able to sleep soundly because we don’t owe anyone any money at all.

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